
Jim Cai

Jim is an IT strategy consultant working with a few major financial and telco institutes in Canada. He has previous been a full stack developer and university instructor. He held both Masters and Bachelors degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto.

Mer Zhang

Mer is a 3rd year student studying at the University of Toronto. She has been teaching coding for two years now and has always enjoyed working with children. During her summer co-op, she worked with sending packets across different IPs so ask her anything about computer network and packet loss

Tony Huang

Tony is a third year student at the University of Waterloo studying computer science and business. In the past he worked at BMO and Loopio doing software development internships.

Forrest Fan

Forrest is a Western University student studying business and computer science. He has been coding for over 6 years and has been teaching children for over 2. He enjoys working on tech projects using languages such as Python and JavaScript.